Gertrude Henrietta “Gert” Mosblech (1911-1993)

Rau hnub Saturday, Lub Xya hli ntuj 15, 1911, Eduard thiab cov Mosblech Magdalena txais tos tus me nyuam thib peb, Gertrude Henrietta Mosblech, rau hauv lub ntiaj teb no. “Phauj Gert” yug hauv St. Louis, Missouri, qhov peb hiob kaum plaub ntawm cov me nyuam. “Phauj Gert” tuas ib qho chaw tshwj xeeb ntawm tus Mosblech neeg keeb kwm rau nws warmth, kev kaj siab thiab nyiam es paub txog nws cov nieces muaj ntau, nephews, yawm nieces thiab nephews yawm suab.

Peb hu ua nws peb great-aunt tab sis lub sij hawm genealogy yog neeg pej xeem nrog niam hlob. Grand Gert phauj nyob. Nws nyob hauv tus tib plaub tsev pav ca uas peb ua hauv lub 1970s, li ntawd, peb pom nws niaj hnub. Txawm tias nws tau nyob rau hauv nws cov sixties, nws yuav tsum tau muaj sij hawm rau peb cov me nyuam. Nws yeej tsis sim peb txhuam thiab enjoyed thaum peb los tom thiab saib TV uas nws.


Phauj “Gert” thiab kuv niam nyob hauv lub 1950s.

Phauj Gert tsis muaj lub sij hawm uas yooj yim nyob rau lub neej. Thaum nws yau, nws yeej tsis paub kom sai raws li nws cov kwvtij. Thaum nws cov kwvtij mus ua hauj lwm tom qab lawv kawm tiav qib yim, Phauj Gert nyob hauv tsev thiab pab cov poj ntsuam xyuas tsev Grandma. Thaum twg poj Grandma tuag hauv 1945, Aunt Gert continued to take care of the house.

Yawg koob lawv yuav saib xyuas ntawm cov phauj Gert hauv nws yuav. Txawm li cas los, Eduard remarried nyob rau hauv 1946 thiab tas nrho nws nyiaj mus rau nws tus poj niam tshiab raws li qhov nws tuag nyob rau hauv 1956.

Phauj Gert ua haujlwm tu tsev kom txog rau thaum nws poob nthav ib co kauj ruam, thaum nws nyob hauv nws 50s. Nws ua tsis tau haujlwm lawm thiab mus rau Social Security Disability. Tus mob xiam oob qhab nyiaj twb tsis txaus los them rau cov nuj nqis uas nws, li ntawd, feem ntau nws tij laug thiab muam/viv ncaus uas nyob rau hauv txhua hli los saib xyuas nws cov nuj nqis uas nyob.

Phauj Gert nyob rau hauv pem teb thib ob uas pav ca peb rau ib lub sij hawm ntev kom txog rau thaum tus poj niam uas sab tsiv. Peb twb tau tshem nws theem hauv qab. Thaum nws yuav tawm mus nyob rau hauv pem teb ob, Kuv niam yeej ntshai tsam nws tsis cia cov ruam, ces nws muab los noj khoom downstairs rau nws. Niam yuav mus kev hauv qhov stairs nrog niam hlob Gert, tav twg nws pom nws theem hauv qab tom ntej.

Phauj Gert muaj ntau yam ua ab tab sis kuv puas nco nws complaining. Nws ib txwm seemed li zoo siab thaum twg peb yuav mus saib nws. Kuv xav tias nws puas tau kho siab lub caij tiam sis kuv yeej tsis pom bitterness rau nws. Kuv xav ua phauj Gert nyob godmother tus niam tab sis, yog ua tau niam hlob Dolores siv. Niam hais tias thaum nws loj hlob, Phauj Gert ib txwm yog tus kwv tij txoj niam hlob. Lawv hais rau nws lawv coj mus hu nws “Niam hlob Trudy” and Aunt Gert got the biggest kick out of it.

Phauj Gert hlub tham thiab yuav tsis muab ib daim card. Kuv pog, leej twg yog tus phauj Gert niam hluas, siv cov phauj Gert yog lub biggest lus xaiv nyob rau hauv lub tsev neeg hais, uas yog zus rau ntau heev nyob rau hauv pem teb. Thaum kuv mej muab cov ntaub ntawv no rau niam hlob Gert, nws nug Grandma yog nws hais tias nws. Kuv pog yeej tsis dag thiab teev, “Yog, Gertrude. Koj yog tus biggest lus xaiv nyob rau hauv tsev neeg.” Lawv tham tias ho thiab phauj Gert tsis chim. Yuav tiv cov phauj Gert grandma yog. Grandma yuav tsis paub hais lus rau nws cov kwv tij ib, leej twg puas tau tsis pab nrog tu tus phauj Gert.


Grandma, Niam thiab Gert niam hlob (Grandma thiab phauj Gert nyob saum ntuj ceeb tsheej niaj hnub no)

Nyob rau hauv 1980, Kuv niam thiab txiv sib nrauj. Aunt Gert ended up being our babysitter every once in a while. Ua ntej Christmas 1980, Dad qhia rau peb paub tias nws twb tau remarried. My younger sisters and I were really struggling with the changes and Christmas was coming up. Aunt Gert was going to watch us while Mom went shopping. Nws cia li tham txog li cas coj mus saib ib tug yeeb yam Christmas hmo ntawd.

Tus yeeb yam Christmas yog qhov kawg ntawm kuv lub siab. Yuav tsum qhia qhov tseeb, Kuv tsis yeej muab ntau Tshuag nws endorsement. Thaum peb mus nyob rau hmo ntawd, nws tau tas peb paj kws. Tus yeeb yam hauv TV uas nws muaj hyped npaum li ntawd, yog Dawb Christmas (1954). It was everything that she said. Cov teev ob, Peb tsis nco qab txog kuv dad yavtom ntej kab tshoob thiab Christmas plig muaj dua.

Tus yeeb yam ntawd cia li zoo tshuaj. Rau hnub no, Nws tseem yog kuv nyiam Christmas ntsia. Dua li ntawm cov zaj ntawm 30 xyoo, Kuv tseem vividly nco txog menyuam tus yeeb yam uas nws hmo ntawd, eating popcorn, and her joy at how much we got into the movie.

Nyob rau hauv 1981, my mom remarried. We moved across town to Dad’s old house on Villa Avenue. Nyob rau lub caij 1980s, Phauj Gert yuav tsis nyob ntawm nws tus kheej. Txawm tias nws mus nyob hauv ib qhov chaw zov, ib yam ntawm nws tus kwvtij yuav tsum khaws nws thiab coj nws mus rau tsev neeg reunions. She still remembered everyone and we were so happy to see her. Nws cia li tau ua tsis tau ib ncig thiab nws thiaj li tau lub rooj zaum log ua txhua yam.

Hnub Monday, Lub ob hlis ntuj 1, 1993, Gertrude Henrietta Mosblech ntawm dhau deb ntawm 81 xyoo. Nws outlived ib tug xov tooj ntawm nws cov kwvtij nrog rau kuv pog. Nws raug nteg mus so nyob hauv St. Petus tus thiab Paul lub tojntxas nyob rau lub ob hlis ntuj 3, 1993.

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