Zaj dabneeg Gilford Dudley (1797-1870)

Zaj dabneeg Gilford Dudley (1797 – 1870) Yog kuv thib peb great-yawg. Yog rau (6) tiam ntawm ob peb. I have just recently been able to find information on the Story family, ib tug ceg ntoo rau tsev neeg kuv tshawb fawb tau tsis nres tsis tau ntau npaum li qhia.

Lub xyoo, I could not find my great-grandmother Dollie Zimmerman nee Story’s death certificate. Kuv nyuam qhuav pom nws, uas coj mus discoveries ntxiv rau ntawm nws sab ntawm tsev neeg. Gilford tau poj Grandma Dollie tus yawg, Txawm hais tias nws yeej tsis tau ntsib nws vim nws tuag kaum ib xyoos ua ntej nws yug los.


Parker Zimmerman tuav Harry thiab Dollie Zimmerman tuav Frank O. hauv cov ntoo, MO hauv 1913.

Gilford Dudley dab neeg yug nyob rau South Carolina thaum 1797 John zaj dabneeg thiab Elizabeth Mallard. Tej tsam tom qab nws yug me nyuam, zaj dabneeg tsev neeg hloov mus rau lub xeev Illinois. Gilford seems to have gone by his middle name Dudley during adulthood.

By the age of twenty-one, Dudley yuav ib tug poj niam Native American Rebecca uas nws muaj rau cov me nyuam lub npe. Dudley and Rebecca were married prior to 1819. The other genealogies on the family agree on this point.

Dudley thiab nws Rebecca txais tos Irena zaj dabneeg hauv 1819, Joseph zaj dabneeg hauv 1824, lwm tus tub, leej twg tsis muaj sia nyob, nyob rau hauv 1825, Martha Ann zaj dabneeg hauv 1827, Sarah Ann zaj dabneeg hauv 1828 thiab Ephraim zaj dabneeg rau lub rau hli ntuj 11, 1830. Rebecca tso tseg ib ncig 1835 ntawm xwb 35 xyoo.

Nyob rau lub hlis ntuj nqeg 6, 1836, 39-xyoo Gilford Dudley zaj dabneeg yuav 20 xyoo Nancy Jane Womack hauv Pope, Illinois. Dudley thiab Nancy Jane yuav muaj ib tug menyuam cuaj. James Story, John zaj dabneeg, William Riley zaj dabneeg, George Washington zaj dabneeg, Margaret Story, Zaj dabneeg ntsuab Emery, Lewis Story, and Columbus Monroe Story were born between 1837 thiab 1854. George Washington zaj dabneeg (1843 -) was my second great-grandfather and Dollie’s and Mandy Story’s father.

Thaum tus tub ntxawg yug, Dudley was 57 xyoo, and Nancy was 38 xyoo. Vim yog muaj tus me nyuam tuag rau, parents in rural America during the Nineteenth Century tended to have exceptionally large families. Dudley was fortunate in that so far; I have only found one of his children to have died in childhood.

Gilford Dudley Story lived a long time for a farmer in the Nineteenth Century. Lub sij hawm 1870, thaum nws muaj 72 los sis 73 xyoo, Dudley tso tseg nyob rau hauv Alexander, Illinois. Tus me nyuam xwb nws tus kheej, Dudley tom qab ib tsev neeg loj loj li nws nyiaj ib puas tsav legacy. I wish I could go back in time and get stories from him about his full life.

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