Alex Aberg Returns to Europe


Alex Aberg defeated many notable foes in the greatest year of his professional wrestling career. Nyob rau hauv 1915, Aberg competed in both the Spring and Fall versions of the New York International Wrestling Tournament. Competing exclusively in his preferred style of Greco-Roman wrestling, Aberg defeated Dr. Rau cov menyuam Benjamin, Wladek Zbyszko and Ed “Strangler” Lewis along with a number of journeyman wrestlers.

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George Baptiste raws li ntiaj teb tau zus ib

hack-st-louis-qhov yuam kev

Txog rau hnub Friday, Tej zaum 12, 1905, Ntiaj teb Heavyweight Wrestling Champion George Hackenschmidt toured lub teb chaws As Mes Lis Kas tom qab defeating reigning American Heavyweight Wrestling Champion Tom Jenkins. Yog ib tus Hackenschmidt nres yog tus “Rooj vag rau sab hnub poob”, St. Louis, Missouri. Hackenschmidt pom zoo muab pov tseg peb wrestlers nyob rau hauv 90 feeb. Nws accomplished no feat tsawg tshaj li 19 feeb tom qab tus thib peb wrestler

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Whistler and Ross Disgust Crowd


After several months of wrangling, Clarence Whistler met Duncan C. Ross on Monday, Kaum ib hlis 7, 1881 in a best three-out-of-five falls match. Two falls were to be conducted in catch-as-catch-can wrestling, which both men were considered adept at. Two falls were to be conducted in collar-and-elbow wrestling, which was a Ross speciality. The final fall would be conducted in Greco-Roman

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Paul Pons, Txiag txog Wrestling hnub qub


Paul Pons yog lub Greco-Roman Wrestling tau zus ib ntawm Fabkis nyob hauv lub 1890s. Nws yeej muaj kev sib tw rau lub Folies-Bergeres ua ntej winning ib cov kev sib tw nyob Xos Viav hauv 1898. No yeej loj heev pub rau nws siv lub ntiaj teb Greco-Roman Wrestling Championship. Pons capitalized ntawm no notoriety qhib ib gym rau tsheb nqaj hlau wrestlers thiab cov txiv neej muaj zog. Pons’ yeej yog tshwj xeeb zoo kawg li vim qhov

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Lewis Solves Masked Marvel

aberg-masked-marvel-teeb duab

Thaum lub 1915 New York International Wrestling kev sib tw restarted lub kaum hli ntuj 1915, Ib mysterious masked txiv neej zaum ntawm ringside demanding ib nkag teb chaws rau hauv cov kev sib tw. Ua ntej tus txiv neej masked tus txiv neej tuaj txog, Cov kev sib tw yuav tsum tau maj mam kawm. Tus attraction ntawm tus txiv neej masked zaum ntawm ringside attracted ob kiv cua thiab ntawv xov xwm txaus siab. Crowds pib uas qhia rau qhov yuam kev. Tom qab

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George Baptiste yeej kev sib tw Detroit


Thaum lub peb hlis ntuj 1891, George Baptiste travelled ntawm St. Louis rau Detroit koom tes hauv ib catch-as-catch-can wrestling kev sib tw. Thaum feem ntau ib Greco-Roman wrestler, Baptiste yuav lwv hauv lub dominant American style ntawm catch-as-catch-can. Tus 26 xyoo Baptiste yog ib accomplished amateur thiab kev wrestler. Nkag mus rau detroit kev sib tw, Baptiste tau poob ib match ua ib professional. Lub xyoo ua ntej,

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Alexander Baptiste dhau mus rau 100


Nyob rau lub Cuaj hlis 15, 1919, St. Louis pej xeem sawv los nyeem txog tus tuag ntawm ib tug ntawm lawv cov pej xeem hiob, Alexander Baptiste. Yog ob peb lub hlis ua ntej nws 101st los yog 102nd xyoos nyob ntawm qhov twg koj ntseeg tau tias, Alexander Baptiste kis kom deb ntawm cov hnyuv mob hauv cov hnyuv. Lub xyoo, Alexander twb hu ua ib qhov fittest St. Louisans. Tus kws lij choj thaum ntxov

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Russian Civil War Snags Aberg and Lurich


Estonia gave birth to three of the greatest wrestlers of the first two decades of the 20th Century: Georg Lurich, George Hackenschmidt and Aleksander “Alex” Aberg. As part of the Russian Empire at the time, Estonia contained a number of elementary and high schools with superior physical education programs. Lurich and Hackenschmidt both started out as weightlifters and transitioned into

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Muldoon muaj zog heev rau Fabkis txoj Wrestler

William muldoon

Nyob rau lub rau hli ntuj 4, 1883, lub Greco-Roman ntiaj teb Heavyweight Wrestling tau zus ib William Muldoon muag koom Fabkis txoj wrestler Jules Rigal hauv San Francisco, California. Thaum twg tus wrestlers stripped mus rau lawv cov txwv rau ntais ntawv, cuab kev Muldoon yog fais fab yuav muab pov thawj formidable teem ib lub caij sib tw mus Rigal. Muldoon sawv ib ncig 6 taw siab thiab weighed ntawm 193 thiab 210 phaus thaum nws cov hauj lwm.

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Muldoon Fails muab Sorakichi 5 Zaug


Hom champions li William Muldoon muaj feem ntau yuav tsum muaj kev tsis taus cov neeg mob tau kiv cua menyuam lawv xav kom. Txij thaum kiv cua tsuas xam Clarence Whistler skilled txaus los yeej raug teeb meem nws reign, Muldoon yuav nquag ua kom muaj paj los xws li yeej muaj feats ua tau los yog siv rau cov kev sib tw ntawm cov mob uas muaj kev tsis taus. Saum ntuj 5, 1885, Muldoon ntsib Matsuda Sorokichi, leej twg

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