1915 Cov kev sib tw Wrestling New York


Tus International Wrestling kev sib tw tshwm sim nyob rau hauv ob theem ntawm ntuj 19, 1915 thiab hlis ntuj nqeg 31, 1915. TSIBCAUG wrestlers yuav lwv hauv tus thawj theem ntawm cov kev sib tw xws li ntiaj teb Greco-Roman tau zus ib Aleksander “Alex” Aberg. Qhov thib ob phuv muaj 40 wrestlers nrog rau cov tuaj thiab cov hnub qub tom ntej Ed “Strangler” Lewis, uas koom ib lub hlis rau cov kev sib tw rau lub kaum ib hlis 22, 1915. Tus

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Puas Muldoon os McMahon?


Hauv lub peb hlis ntuj 22, 1881, Greco-Roman ntiaj teb Wrestling tau zus ib William Muldoon yus dab tshos-thiab-luj tshib ntiaj teb tau zus ib John McMahon nyob Terrace teb nyob New York City. Muldoon thiab McMahon ntsib nyob hauv lub best-two-out-of-three-falls match. Lub caij nplooj zeeg thawj yog ua los ntawm txoj cai Greco-Roman. Lub caij nplooj zeeg ob puas yuav contested siv kev cai dab tshos-thiab-luj tshib. Lub caij nplooj zeeg dhau yuav tau txiav txim siab ntawm dab tsi lub New York

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Paul Pons Hometowned nyob rau 1900


Paul Pons yog ib tug Fabkis Greco-Roman Wrestling tau zus ib. Nws zoo txaus muab George Hackenschmidt ib tug mus dhia rau nws cov nyiaj nyob rau ob peb tournaments. Txawm li cas los, Thaum twg nws tuaj rau Chicago rau 1900, Nws yog “tua yeej” yog ib qhov chaw wrestler. Cov muaj tej yam uas tsis tau tawm rau muab qhov kev kawm ntau. Paul Pons mus rau lub tebchaws hauv 1900. One

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William Muldoon Defeats Local Wrestler

William muldoon

William Muldoon, lub ntiaj teb Greco-Roman Wrestling tau zus ib thiab lub nyuas proponent, tuaj Los Angeles Tuesday, Tim 15, 1884 rau lub zos wrestler Fred Bauer ntsej muag. Ntais ntawv muab qhov chaw nyob lub zos Turnvereine nrog rau hauv Los Angeles. Muldoon was so confident of victory that he stipulated that he would throw Bauer ten times within an hour or he

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George Baptiste Dies


Nyob rau lub hlis ntuj nqeg 1, 1938 tom 5:15 PM, Qub kev wrestler thiab all-around ncaws Pob George Baptiste kis tseg ntawm 74 xyoo. Thaum enjoying robust lub zog nws lub neej tseem, Baptiste tus kws kho mob sab nws muaj mob cancer rau lub rau hli ntuj 1938. Tus kws kho mob ua rau Baptiste tab sis yog tsis tau tshem tag nrho cov mob cancer. Baptiste twb tau nyob ntawm nws lub teb chaws tsev

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George Baptiste’s Heartbreak


Thaum lub ob hlis ntuj 1901, St. Louis professional wrestler and local businessman George Baptiste reluctantly filed for divorce from his wife, Nellie May Baptiste, alleging desertion. It was actually the second time, Baptiste filed for divorce from Mrs. Baptiste. During the summer of 1896, Baptiste was vacationing in Millford, Connecticut. The 31-year-old was a powerful swimmer and all-around athlete in addition to

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William Muldoon yeej txhawb kev tsim

William muldoon

Nyob rau hauv ib phau testament nws foresight thiab tsis pom kev, lub ntiaj teb Wrestling tau zus ib William Muldoon twb npaj tau ib qoj tus kws qhia kuj tom lub qhov siab uas nws powers ua ib wrestler. Muldoon nyob rau lub championship ntawm 1880 txog thaum nws retired hauv 1890. Thaum nws reign, nws feem ntau muab miv nyiam kom nws txoj kev kawm. Lub hnub,

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William Muldoon npaj tau tau zus ib

William muldoon

Nyob rau hauv 1880, William Muldoon yuav tau ua ntiaj teb Heavyweight Wrestling tau zus ib ntawm cov style Greco-Roman tom qab defeating Thiebaud Bauer, lub reigning tau zus ib. Ua ntej nws yuav ua kom tiav no feat, Muldoon yuav tsum tau them nws cov dues thiab npaj rau lub npe qaij nrog Bauer. Nyob rau hauv 1876, Muldoon ntes tau cov xim uas tus yas tes mus khaws prizefighting ntiaj teb tau zus ib John Morrissey. Morrissey yog ib tus qub

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Wrestler tej yam pob dej txiv neeb


George Baptiste siv li nees nkaum xyoo liab li me nyuam. Louis’ nyob rau hauv all-around pob ua ntej koj noj nyob qhov, Tsev pheebsuab Baptiste thiab Awning, founded ntawm nws txiv Alexander Baptiste. Dhau li ntawm plying nws pauv li ib tiam sis nyob accomplished kev wrestler, Baptise yog ib tug kab mob swimmer 's haib. Rau lub yim hli ntuj 11, 1900, Baptiste siv nws da dej txawj txuag rau lwm cov me nyuam. Louisan ntawm pob dej.

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Qhov uas nyob rau hauv kev thiab lub zog


Rau kuv lub hnub yug xyoo no, Kuv muas ib tug ntawm kuv nyiam phau ntawv nyiam phau ntawv, Qhov uas nyob rau hauv kev thiab lub zog (affiliate link) Yog Georg Hackenschmidt. Georg Hackenschmidt teev ntau weightlifitng ntiaj teb cov ntaub ntawv ua ntej focusing rau kev wrestling. Hackenschmidt yuav yeej lub ntiaj teb Heavyweight Wrestling Championship hauv 1901. Hackenschmidt yuav reign li undefeated ntiaj teb tau zus ib rau 7 Mus txog rau thaum poob nws

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