“Ua teb” Kub yus Preps rau Lewis

Martin-yawg-kub yus

Nyob rau hauv 1894, Martin “Ua teb” Kub yus yog npaj wrestle Evan “Strangler” Lewis rau cov American Heavyweight Wrestling Championship. Thaum Burns tau nkag mus rau nws tus prime, Lewis yuav tsum tau nyob saum American kev wrestling rau 5 xyoo. Lewis kuj wrestled ib viscous style nrog ib emphasis rau submission tuas. Kub yus yuav tau npaj rau ib contest tawv contest, uas yuav

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Mooney Wrestles Luttbeg


Rau hnub Saturday, Hlis ntuj nqeg 2nd, 1893, Neeg dawb huv Louis boxing txij thiab Greco-Roman wrestler Mike Mooney ntsib Max Luttbeg ntawm neeg dawb huv Louis’ Lom ze nrog. Ua ntej match hype teem rau Mooney yeej tsis poob ib wrestling match los yog ib boxing boxing. Mooney yog ib tug zoo Greco-Roman wrestler, Thaum Luttbeg yog ib tug zoo catch-as-can wrestler. Nyob rau hauv lub xyoo pua 19th, Nws yog hom rau qhov yuam kev

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Lewis thiab Roeber Unify Npe


Thaum William Muldoon txijnkawm los ntawm kev wrestling hauv 1889, Nws npaj siab rau nws protégé, Ernst Roeber, Ua lub ntiaj teb tshiab Heavyweight Wrestling Champion. Txij thaum Muldoon ib txwm defended nws championship hauv lub Greco-Roman wrestling style, Nws xaiv ua kev txiav txim zoo. Roeber yog arguably qhov zoo Greco-Roman wrestler hauv America thaum lub sij hawm. Txawm li cas los, Tus kiv cua wrestling thiab journalist, npog cov kev ua si nawv,

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“Ua teb” Burns Holds Off Charles Green

Martin-yawg-kub yus

In a recent post, I wrote about Charles Green’s unsuccessful attempt to defeat Evan “Strangler” Lewis hauv 1889. Ib lub xyoos tom qab, Green had greater success with another American wrestling legend, Martin “Ua teb” Zaus. The soon-to-be 29-year-old Burns was an excellent wrestler but wasn’t yet on the level of Evan Lewis. Txawm li cas los, he would have to be in the top 10

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Charles Ntsuab Preps rau Evan Lewis


Charles Ntsuab, Ib skilled Lus Askiv catch-as-catch-can wrestler, Mus rau teb chaws As Mes Lis Kas hauv lub caij 1880s wrestle tus zoo American wrestlers. Ntsuab tau txais nws lub sijhawm rau lub Xya hli ntuj 21, 1889, Thaum nws wrestled American Heavyweight Catch-as-Catch-Can tau zus ib Evan Lewis. Npaj rau ntais ntawv no, Ntsuab muab ib handicap bout nrog journeyman wrestler Bert Scheller nyob rau lub rau hli ntuj lig. Scheller yug

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Me Demon Wrestles Tom Cannon


Rau Joe Acton lub hnub yug 33rd, Lub peb hlis ntuj 8, 1885, Nws wrestled koj txog haujlwm countryman Tom Cannon hauv ib 2-tawm-ntawm-3-ntog match ntawm Sportsman Park nyob New Orleans, Louisiana. Acton thiab Cannon muaj keeb kwm ntev ua ke. Leej txiv neej yug hauv hais thaum ntxov 1952. Cannon yug ib lub hlis tom qab tshaj Acton rau hnub tim 19, 1852. Leej txiv neej pib wrestling hauv lub

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Ernst Roeber Claims Vacant Title


Thaum William Muldoon txijnkawm li lub ntiaj teb Heavyweight Greco-Roman Wrestling Champion hauv 1889, Muaj tug tsis npaj successor rau lub championship. Evan “Strangler” Lewis yog qhov zoo wrestler nyob hauv lub teb chaws As Mes Lis Kas tsis hu ua William Muldoon tab sis nws specialty yog catch-as-catch-can wrestling. Qhov zoo Tshaj Plaws American Greco-Roman wrestler, Clarence Whistler, Tuag nyob Australia thaum 1885. Muldoon tus handpicked successor yog German-yug

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Ua teb Burns Battles Evan Lewis

Martin-yawg-kub yus

Tus biggest American pro wrestling match ntawm lub xyoo pua 19th tshwm sim rau lub plaub hlis 21, 1895 nyob Chicago, Illinois. Evan “Strangler” Lewis defended nws American Heavyweight Wrestling Championship tiv thaiv Martin “Ua teb” Zaus. Tus 34 xyoo tau ob leeg skilled nrog “nqe lauj” los yog submission tuas ua rau lawv saum cov zaub mov saw hlau nyob tseeb wrestling. Lewis twb tau undisputed tau zus ib txij thaum 1893

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Clarence Whistler Dies nyob Australia


Clarence Whistler yug hauv Indiana thaum 1856. Thaum sawv ntsug xwb 5’09” los yog li ntawd, thiab luj 165 phaus, Whistler yog ib qhov haib tshaj wrestlers ntawm nws era. Whistler yog tus wrestler xwb wrestler tau muab William Muldoon ib lub sij hawm nyuab thaum Muldoon tus 9 xyoo khiav li ntiaj teb tau zus ib. Whistler feem ntau competed hauv Greco-Roman wrestling, tus dominant style hauv

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Duncan Ross Wrestles Sorakichi Matsuda


Nyob rau hnub tim 21, 1884, Duncan C. Ross met Sorakichi Matsuda, also known as Matsada, the first Japanese professional wrestler in the United States. Matsuda immigrated to the United States to pursue his dream of becoming a professional wrestler because it didn’t really exist in Japan at the time. 28-year-old Duncan Ross was born in Turkey of Scottish descent on March

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