Rov 55 – Browning Squeezes Miyake

jim-browning-verona-missouri-wrestler-and-world champion Ua si nyob rau hauv cov qhov rai tshiab | DownloadIn no rov, I talk about the 1924 match between Jim Browning and Taro Miyake. Update Our Memorial Day episode will be the full crew. This episode and that episode will tie together with a Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) crossover and how gambling schemes affected pro wrestling and why it is a worry for

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Rov 54 – Tus Frankenstein rov

Ed-strangler-lewis-dummy-head-siv-rau-tsim-nws headlock Ua si nyob rau hauv cov qhov rai tshiab | DownloadTechnical nyuaj coj mus no podcast tau ntau tshaj ntawm ib compilation. Peb tham txog qhov kev txiav txim khib los ntawm lub xeev New York Althletic Commission hauv 1921. Hloov tshiab nyob rau hauv peb thawj hloov tshiab peb them feem ntau ntawm cov dab neeg wrestling vim Dan mus rau hauv lub tsev kho mob. Hmoov tsis, Tsis muaj lub suab yog siv los ntawm qhov no

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Rov 53 – Backers vs. Promoters

Yog-yuav luag-real-podcast-daim duab Ua si nyob rau hauv cov qhov rai tshiab | DownloadIn no rov, Kuv tham txog cov yees duab backstage yees duab ntawm AEW nyob Wembley, Tham txog pro wrestling ua ntej lub niaj hnub qib lawv, thiab rov xyuas Wrestlemania XL hnub 2. Hloov tshiab peb tham txog AEW tso cov backstage footage ntawm lub scuffle ntawm CM Punk thiab Jack Perry. Ntsiab lus tseem ceeb kuv tham li cas Tony Khan ua ntau dua li

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Rov 52 – Rickard vs. Curley

Yog-yuav luag-real-podcast-daim duab Ua si nyob rau hauv cov qhov rai tshiab | DownloadIn no rov, Kuv tham txog tej yam tau vim li cas rau lub caij nplooj zeeg tawm ntawm Tex Rickard thiab Jack Curley. Kuv kuj rov xyuas thawj hmo ntawm Wrestlemania XL. Hloov tshiab kuv tau txiav txim rau Sherlock Holmes ntawm neeg dawb huv Louis: Neeg dawb Louis Chief of Detectives William Desmond rau hnub Friday, Tim 5, 2024. Nws muaj nyob rau hauv ebook,

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Rov 51 – Marin Plestina

marin-plestina Ua si nyob rau hauv cov qhov rai tshiab | DownloadIn no rov, Kuv tham txog cov kev hem thawj tias Marin Plestina posed rau lub wrestling ntseeg ntawm 1917 thiab 1921. Hloov tshiab peb yuav tsum tau rov qab mus rau tib lub sij hawm prodcution nrog Dan los ntawm nruab nrab ntawm lub plaub hlis. Kuv muab vim li cas koj yuav tsum tsis txhob pab pawg neeg phau ntawv. Kuv kuj tham txog li cas Vince McMahon yeej tsis ua mus sij hawm ntev

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Rov 50 – Wrestling thiab WWI

john-pesek-at-21 xyoo-hauv-1915 Ua si nyob rau hauv cov qhov rai tshiab | DownloadIn no rov, Peb tham txog li cas tsov rog ntiaj teb ua tsov ua rog kuv cuam tshuam American kev wrestling. Peb kuj qhia leej twg hais, “Repetition yog qhov tseem ceeb thaum soj ntsuam nrog goofs.” Hloov tshiab kuv sau ob phau ntawv thaum thawj zaug. Thawj phau ntawv yog kuv lub xeem los St. Louis keeb kwm phau ntawv rau St. Louis Chief of

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Rov 49 – Pesek vs. Plestina

john-tsov-txiv neej-pesek Ua si nyob rau hauv cov qhov rai tshiab | DownloadIn no solo rov, Kuv saib John “Tus nebraska Tsov txiv neej” Pesek settling ob promotional wars hauv lub 1920s. Hloov tshiab kuv coj cov kauj ruam tsawg ntawm complimenting Tony Khan ob zaug nyob rau tib rov. Main Content hauv Lou Thesz autobiography Hooker (affiliate link), Thesz shares Ed “Strangler” Lewis depiction ntawm John “Tus Nebraska

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Rov 48 – Legendary dab neeg

Yog-yuav luag-real-podcast-daim duab Ua si nyob rau hauv cov qhov rai tshiab | DownloadIn no rov, Peb tham txog leej twg yog lub luag hauj lwm rau tag nrho cov lus dab neeg thiab dab neeg nyob ib ncig ntawm kev wrestling los saib cov lus dab neeg ntawm Chief ob Feathers. Hloov tshiab peb tham txog tej corrections rau lub sijhawm rov rau William Muldoon thiab Clarence Whistler. Kuv kuj muab kuv xav rau WWE Elimination Chamber, Vim kuv yog tus tsuas

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Rov 47 – Londos vs. Carnera

Yog-yuav luag-real-podcast-daim duab Ua si nyob rau hauv cov qhov rai tshiab | DownloadIn no rov, Peb tham txog cov hauj lwm ntawm Jim Londos thiab Primo Carnera ua rau ib txoj kev ntsuam xyuas ntawm qhov kev ntsuam xyuas ntawm cov 1950 wrestling match. Hloov tshiab peb pib nrog ib qho hloov tshiab txog peb cov ntaub ntawv teev tseg. Ib pab neeg no rau qhov raug mob reserve, Li ntawd, peb yuav tau teev tseg rau Skype rau ob peb lub sijhawm uas nws rov.

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Rov 45 – Nws yog ib lub lag luam Dirty

jack-curley Ua si nyob rau hauv cov qhov rai tshiab | DownloadIn no rov, we discuss the Vince McMahon scandal, the dirty deeds of promoters in the past, and review the 2024 Royal Rumble. We end this long episode talking about wrestling on TV in St. Louis during the 1980s. Update We spend time discussing the WWE scandal involving Vince McMahon and John Laurenitius. Main

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