Rov 36 – 350 Hnub

Yog-yuav luag-real-podcast-daim duab Ua si nyob rau hauv cov qhov rai tshiab | DownloadIn no rov, Dan and I discuss the documentary on YouTube, 350 Hnub, about pro wrestling in the 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s. We discuss the effect of the road, the schedule, and substances on the professional wrestlers. You can leave a comment or ask a question about this or any post on my Facebook

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Rov 34 – Ed Lewis hauv 1913

Ed-strangler-lewis-in-1913 Ua si nyob rau hauv cov qhov rai tshiab | DownloadEpisode saib ua ntej hauv no rov, Peb tham txog lub sij hawm wrestling ntawm Ed “Strangler” Lewis thaum lub sij hawm 1913. Hloov tshiab rau phau ntawv tom ntej no txog Ed “Strangler” Lewis. Rov tom ntej no rov, Peb yuav saib Jack Pfefer raug qhov xwm ntawm kev wrestling hauv 1933. WWE yog nyob rau hauv cov tswv cuab tshiab. Ua ntej txiav txim ntawm lub lag luam yog tso tawm

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Rov 32 – Lewis Shoots rau Dean

strangler-lewis-nrog-lub npe Ua si nyob rau hauv cov qhov rai tshiab | DownloadIn no rov, Kuv tham txog lub sij hawm tsis ntev los no ntawm CM Punk ntawm AEW thiab Ed “Strangler” Lewis shooting rau “roob” Thawj saib kev kawm. Hloov tshiab Dan thiab kuv tham Tony Khan firing lub hnub qub biggest hauv nws lub tuam txhab, CM Punk. Ntsiab Lus Tseem Ceeb Nyob rau hauv cov ntsiab lus tseem 1934, Ed “Strangler” Lewis cia “roob” Dean paub tias nws yog ib tug phem

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Rov 30 – Shikat vs. O'Mahony

shikat-injures-omahoney Ua si nyob rau hauv cov qhov rai tshiab | DownloadIn no rov, Peb tham txog cov Dick Shikat double-cross ntawm Danno O'Mahony nyob rau hauv lub peb hlis ntuj 1936. Peb yeej tseem nkaus hauv lub studio los ntawm kuv tus tub xeeb ntxwv Connor, leej twg yog dai nrog nws dad, Caleb, Leej twg rov qab mus rau lub podcast lub lim tiam no. Hloov tshiab kuv yuav tau pib qhov kev tshawb fawb tshiab peb tes num hauv pib

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Rov 33 – Lawm rov tsis ntev los no tuag

Yog-yuav luag-real-podcast-daim duab Ua si nyob rau hauv cov qhov rai tshiab | Downloadyes, Peb yuav tso ib rov tawm ntawm kev txiav txim. Nrog peb tsis ntev los no profile neeg tuag nyob rau hauv pro wrestling, Peb xav tso ib tug lawm rov tam sim no tham txog lawv. Peb kuj inadvertantly insult ob peb tus neeg thiab muaj kev sib tham txog “cougars.” Dhau los ob lub lis piam dhau los, Peb tau poob lawm “exotic” Adrian

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Rov 29 – Thaum ntxov Jim Londos

jim-londos-1920 Ua si nyob rau hauv cov qhov rai tshiab | DownloadIn no rov, Peb tham jim Londos’ hauj lwm thaum ntxov nyob st. Louis, Missouri. Peb kuj rov xyuas Jim Londos vs. Dick Shikat ntawm 1930. Hloov tshiab kuv noj ib lub hlis tom qab xov Wayfarer nyob hauv ib lub teb chaws Txawv teb chaws: Sorakichi Matsuda Wrestles hauv America. Kuv yuav ua hauj lwm rau blog posts thiab kuv lub xeem St. Louis keeb kwm

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Rov 28 – Prime Time Wrestling

Yog-yuav luag-real-podcast-daim duab Ua si nyob rau hauv cov qhov rai tshiab | DownloadIn no rov, Kuv nkauj muam nraug nus Dan thiab kuv rov xyuas lub plaub hlis 28, 1986 Ib tsab ntawm WWF tus Prime sij hawm Wrestling. Hloov tshiab pib nrog tus thawj rov rau lub yim hli ntuj, Kuv yuav tsum tau koom hauv lub studio los ntawm kuv tus tub Caleb thiab kuv nkauj muam nraug nus Dan. Peb yuav rov qab mus rau hom ntawv ntawm ib qho hloov tshiab, ntsiab lus tseem ceeb

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Rov 26 – Stecher vs. Caddock

earl-caddock-in-1917 Ua si nyob rau hauv cov qhov rai tshiab | DownloadIn no rov, Kuv tham txog lub 1917 thiab 1920 World Heavyweight Wrestling Championship matches between Joe Stecher and Earl Caddock. Update A special thank you to listener Shannon Bertrand, who let me know that I loaded the wrong episode for Episode 25. I have corrected the episode and it should be available on all

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Rov 24 – Jim Browning

jim-browning-1923 Ua si nyob rau hauv cov qhov rai tshiab | DownloadIn no rov, I discuss the career of unknown World Champion Jim Browning. Update I recently made thirteen of my non-fiction books available to bookstores and libraries in paperback. I hope you will see them in your local bookstore or library soon. Main Content While reading about the double-crosses of the early 1930s, Kuv

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Rov 22 – Lawm rov

Yog-yuav luag-real-podcast-daim duab Ua si nyob rau hauv cov qhov rai tshiab | DownloadIn no rov, my cousin Dan and I discuss the evolution of pro wrestling since the late 1970s and its influence on our fandom. We agreed wrestling had to change because of the emergence of cable television. One of the wrestling companies was going to go national. Although they did not necessarily have to

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