Rov 44 – Hluas Ed Lewis

Ed-strangler-lewis-in-1913 Ua si nyob rau hauv cov qhov rai tshiab | DownloadUpdate I have committed to finishing the St. Louis history book in the next few months. Since I also want to finish the story of Ed “Strangler” Lewis’ career, I am going to work on both projects at the same time. I should finish both projects by late summer or early fall 2024. Kuv

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Rov 43 – Sib xyaw bout

ray-steele Ua si nyob rau hauv cov qhov rai tshiab | DownloadUpdate I have finished writing Origins of a Legend: The Making of Ed “Strangler” Lewis. After editing, it should be released in late January/early February 2024. We briefly discuss Vince Russo’s ideas for a women’s wrestling organization. We try to figure out the market for this material. We also suggest a therapist is probably

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Rov 42 – Twv txiaj schemes

william-demetral-around-1913 Ua si nyob rau hauv cov qhov rai tshiab | DownloadIn no rov, we discuss how gambling schemes fed into professional wrestling’s unsavory reputation. Update I am two-thirds done with the book on Ed “Strangler” Lewis’ hauj lwm thaum ntxov. The book should be out in late January or early February. This episode is sponsored by Redhawk Mercantile. Main Content We discuss a 19th Century gambling

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Rov 41 – Vim li cas Mort Henderson?

mort-henderson Ua si nyob rau hauv cov qhov rai tshiab | DownloadIn no rov, we discuss a new discover about Ed “Strangler” Lewis, why Mort Henderson was picked to be the Masked Marvel, and a look at Jerry Lawler vs. “DirtyDutch Mantel. Update After recapping Stanislaus Zybszko double-crossing the Gold Dust Trio, I reveal that Ed “Strangler” Lewis wrestled Stanislaus Zbyszko for the first

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Rov 40 – zoo siab, Zoo Siab Hnub Yug Yexus

giovanni-raicevich Ua si nyob rau hauv cov qhov rai tshiab | DownloadIn no rov, Peb tham txog ib hmo Christmas wrestling fiasco hauv 1911. Hloov tshiab peb npaj tso forty podcasts xyoo tom ntej no thiab nees nkaum blog posts. Main Topic peb tham txog ib match ntawm Stanislaus Zbyszko thiab Giovanni Raicievich rau Hmo Christmas 1911. Lub controversial match lacking ntau tes hauj lwm coj mus rau ib tes hauj lwm packed riot hauv

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Rov 66 – Sandow thiab Lewis

Ed-strangler-lewis-in-1913 Ua si nyob rau hauv cov qhov rai tshiab | DownloadIn no rov, Peb tham li cas thiab thaum Billy Sandow thiab Ed “Strangler” Lewis yeej tau ntsib. Hloov tshiab peb tham txog txoj cai ntawm kuv kev tshawb fawb peb tes num rau Ed “Strangler” Lewis’ hauj lwm thaum ntxov. Peb kuj tham txog AEW cov teeb meem tsis ntev los no xaus lawv qhia tau hais tias rau lub sij hawm. Peb tas nrog txaus ntshai NFL tswv thiab lawv nyiam lo lawv

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Rov 39 – Zbyszko tus Double-Cross

lewis-zbyszko-handshake Ua si nyob rau hauv cov qhov rai tshiab | DownloadIn no rov, Peb tham txog cov nto moo double-cross ntawm “Loj” Wayne Munn thiab cov kub Dust Trio los Stanislaus Zbyszko. Hloov tshiab peb tham txog cov podcast thiab lub website teem rau 2024. Kuv npaj rau cov ntaub ntawv forty podcasts thiab sau nees nkaum posts rau 2024. Peb yuav tso peb mus rau plaub podcasts ib xyoo. Lub ntsiab lus nyob rau hauv

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Rov 65 – Joe Stecher hauv lub 1910s

joe-stecher-championship-belt Ua si nyob rau hauv cov qhov rai tshiab | DownloadIn no rov, Peb tham xov xwm, Tus Wrestling Observer nrog koob meej, Joe Stecher hauv lub 1910s, Thiab rov xyuas ib match ntawm Mid-Atlantic hauv 1983. Hloov tshiab kuv tau tiav txog ib feem peb ntawm peb tes num tshiab rau Ed “Strangler” Lewis’ hauj lwm thaum ntxov. Kuv xav tias peb tes num yuav ua kom tiav rau lub ib hlis ntuj mus-lub ib hlis ntuj 2024. Peb tham txog

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Rov 38 – Zbyszko vs. Aberg

zbyszko-vs-aberg Ua si nyob rau hauv cov qhov rai tshiab | DownloadIn no rov, Peb tham stanislaus Zbyszko lub xeem match ntawm nws thawj ncig xyuas ntawm America. Peb tas nrog nws xa mus rau teb chaws As Mes Lis Kas hauv teb chaws As Mes Lis Kas 1920. Hloov tshiab kuv tham txog qhov kev kawm ntawm kuv kev tshawb fawb tshiab peb tes num rau cov hauj lwm thaum ntxov ntawm Ed “Strangler” Lewis. Peb tham tony Khan tsis ntev los no Twitter, los sis X, Wars nrog wars

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Rov 37 – Zbyszko vs. Gotch

stanislaus-zbyszko Ua si nyob rau hauv cov qhov rai tshiab | DownloadIn no rov, Peb tham stanislaus Zbyszko txoj kev sib tw rau Frank Gotch lub ntiaj teb npe. Hloov tshiab kuv muab ib qho hloov tshiab rau kuv phau ntawv tshiab peb tes num rau cov hauj lwm thaum ntxov ntawm Ed “Strangler” Lewis. Ntsiab lus Emil Klank, Frank Gotch tus thawj tswj, Recruited Stanislaus Zbyszko mus rau teb chaws As Mes Lis Kas hauv teb chaws As Mes Lis Kas hauv teb chaws As Mes Lis Kas 1909 Wrestle tam sim no ntiaj teb tau zus ib

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